O cenu Munkovy nadace 2025

Také letos budou mít studenti GJO, CG, VOŠ a SPŠ a DA Malín možnost soutěžit o cenu Munkovy nadace a vyzkoušet si, jak dokáží formulovat a obhajovat své názory v angličtině. Veškeré informace naleznete níže, přihlášky zasílejte na email jindrich.barton@gymkh.eu nebo se hlaste osobně u Mgr. Jindřicha Bartoně, kabinet Peklo do pátku 21. března.

This is to inform that presentations of this year Munk Competition will take place on Friday 28 March at 9 am at Stredni prumyslova skola in Kutna Hora (SPS).

Based on the opinion exchange regarding the impact of AI on the Competition we have concluded that the original format of the Competition is modified as follows:

  1. Writing component to be removed entirely.
  2. The original Rules (Pravidla) and the Criteria for assessing the students to be cancelled.
  3. Students to be assessed on their ability to present and defend by arguments their position on a selected topic in the oral presentations.
  4. Five topics to be offered to students on opening the Competition, students to do their homework on these five topics in preparation for the oral presentations (no written document expected).
  5. On the presentation day, students to draw in random choice two topics from the five offered, and to choose one of them eventually to be presented after a 20-minute preparation in the room (no electronic devise allowed).
  6. After 20-minute preparation students to present and defend by arguments their position on the topic chosen and to react on questions raised by the jury and/or by other attendees in a 20-minute presentation in total (the same time the following student to prepare for her/his presentation) .

In the effect, memorizing should be avoided or limited, students rather to show a degree of their competence, including language. The competence meaning the ability to present the issue, pros and cons etc.

Members of the jury: Vlastislav Navrátil, Ondřej Prášil, and one impartial member proposed by the Munk Foundation

The topics are as follows:

  1. Should social media sites regulate and censor user posts?
  2. The Rise of Influencer Culture: The positive aspects of new career opportunities and creative freedom versus potential negative influences and pressures.
  3. How can citizens hold their elected officials accountable for serving public interests instead of personal gain?
  4. Providing Ukraine with funds and weapons only prolong the war and people´s suffering.
  5. How far is competition necessary to foster the learning process?

The best participants in the Competition will be rewarded with prize money – an amount in CZK – to be spent for educational purposes at the students’ choice. Total amount of prize money up to CZK 50,000 to be distributed among students depending on the number of participants and on the quality of presentations.

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